Public Comment Form

DPR 23-003 Statewide Notification of Agricultural Use of Restricted Materials (Modified Regulations)

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is accepting public comments on changes made to the originally proposed text of section 6434 of Title 3, California Code of Regulations; Statewide Notification of Agricultural Use of Restricted Materials (Notification).

On July 2, 2024, DPR issued a Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Changes along with the Text of Modified Regulations. The Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Changes is also available in Spanish.

Comments may be submitted in writing about the proposed modifications to the originally proposed regulation text. The public comment period for this proposed regulatory action began on July 2, 2024. Written comments must be received no later than August 1, 2024. Please submit comments and attachments in the text box below. Alternatively, written comments may also be submitted via e-mail, U.S. mail, or FAX. For details, please see the Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Changes.

DPR will be holding three public hearings on July 12, 15, and 23 to receive oral and written comments on the proposed modifications. Details are included in the Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed Changes.

For additional information about this rulemaking, please visit DPR's website. Questions regarding this rulemaking can be directed to the contact person listed at the bottom of the page.

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Your Comment

Please enter your comments in the text box below. For attachments: PleaseĀ copy and pasteĀ the content of your letter into the comment box below.

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You may attach up to five 20 MB files to accompany your submission. Allowed formats are pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, gif, doc, docx, xlsx, xls. If you experience technical difficulties submitting your comment please contact the person listed at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for subscribing to the DPR 23-003 Statewide Notification of Agricultural Use of Restricted Materials (Modified Regulations) mailing list.